Ms. Bonner
Portage North Middle School
Contact Information:
Phone Number: 269-323-5723
Email Address:
If you have any questions or concerns, please call or email me. During the school day, I am with students and may not be able to take your phone call; therefore, the best time to reach me is before or after school. Email is welcome anytime throughout the day, but will only be checked before and after school. If there is an emergency, please contact the office at 323-5700.
Supplies Needed:
1. Pencils and erasers
2. Spiral Notebook*
*8th grade Math Plus students will need graph paper and may prefer a graph paper spiral notebook. These students may also prefer to use a binder with tabs for organization.
3. Folder
4. Scientific Calculator*
*8th grade Math Plus students may like the use of a graphing calculator for this course. Although graphing calculators are not required for class, I recommend any TI-83 or TI-84 model if you are considering purchasing one.
Homework assignments will be posted in Google Classroom each day. When applicable, notes and learning materials will also be shared. You may also view each week's list of assignments by clicking on the grade level tab above.
Viewing Your Child's Grade
To keep track of your students' progress in math, please check out Skyward, at I update grades regularly and try to record all assignments and assessments within 24-48 hours, although some exceptions do occur.